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First Conference of the Black Sea Project
The Economic and Social Development of the Port-Cities of the Northern Black Sea Coast,
Late 18th –Beginning of the 20th century
Ionian University and Hellenic Research Foundation
22 -27th September 2013

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About the conference
The First Conference of the Black Sea Project, The Economic and Social Development of the Port-Cities of the Northern Black Sea Coast, Late 18th –Beginning of the 20th century will take place in Odessa during 22-27 September 2013. The venue of the conference is in the Hellenic Foundation for Culture-Odessa Branch. The project “The Black Sea and its port-cities from the 18th to the 20th century. Development, convergence and linkages with the global economy” is included in the Thalis Programme "Reinforcement of the Interdisciplinary and/or inter-institutional Research and Innovation" of the operational action “Education and Life Long Learning” which is co-sponsored by the E.U. and the Greek Ministry of Education. The Conference is co-organised with the Hellenic Foundation for Culture-Odessa Branch and the State Archives of Odessa Region.
The aim of the conference is to present the first results of the research in the project and to present papers related to its themes. The project seeks the identification, analysis and synthesis of the eco-nomic and social develοpment of 20 port-cities of the Black Sea that formed an integrated market that became the larger grain-exporting area in the world in the nineteenth century until the beginning of the twentieth century. By placing in the centre of the analysis the sea and its ports, the analysis penetrates in the economic activities of the port-cities, the coastal area and the hinterland, the integration of markets and their interlinkages with the global economy, beyond political boundaries and divisions. The linkages with the global economy triggered development and convergence of regional markets. Papers are related to the subject of the project along the following six axes:
Dr Evrydiki Sifneos (coordinator of the research of the northern Black Sea coast, National Research Foundation)
Professor Gelina Harlaftis (project coordinator, Ionian University)
Sofronis Paradeisopoulos (Hellenic Foundation for Culture – Odessa Branch)
Lilya Bilousova, (State Archive of Odessa Region)
Dr Alexandra Papadopoulou (Researcher, Ionian University)
Maria Konstantinidi (Researcher, Ionian University)
The aim of the conference is to present the first results of the research in the project and to present papers related to its themes. The project seeks the identification, analysis and synthesis of the eco-nomic and social develοpment of 20 port-cities of the Black Sea that formed an integrated market that became the larger grain-exporting area in the world in the nineteenth century until the beginning of the twentieth century. By placing in the centre of the analysis the sea and its ports, the analysis penetrates in the economic activities of the port-cities, the coastal area and the hinterland, the integration of markets and their interlinkages with the global economy, beyond political boundaries and divisions. The linkages with the global economy triggered development and convergence of regional markets. Papers are related to the subject of the project along the following six axes:
- The Black Sea as a unit of research. Marine environment and six port systems
- Six maritime regions. Economic and social development of twenty port-cities.
- The form of the cities. City-planning and architecture
- Macro-analysis. Formation of macro-economic statistical series. Comparison with world economy.
- Micro-analysis. Entrepreneurial elites and major Greek business families
- Linkages with the Mediterranean and the Atlantic
Dr Evrydiki Sifneos (coordinator of the research of the northern Black Sea coast, National Research Foundation)
Professor Gelina Harlaftis (project coordinator, Ionian University)
Sofronis Paradeisopoulos (Hellenic Foundation for Culture – Odessa Branch)
Lilya Bilousova, (State Archive of Odessa Region)
Dr Alexandra Papadopoulou (Researcher, Ionian University)
Maria Konstantinidi (Researcher, Ionian University)
Conference schedule
Sunday 22/9
Monday 23/9
8.45-9.30 Welcoming Remarks
Chair: Evrydiki Sifneos
The Black Sea Project: A Year After,
Gelina Harlaftis, Ionian University, Corfu
9.30- 11.30 - Session I- Archival Research Problems and Bibliography
Chair: Evrydiki Sifneos
1) Study of the Ukrainian Black Sea Port Cities of the Long 19th Century: Contemporary Research Problems, Oksana Iurkova, Institute for History of Ukraine-National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
2) Odessa of the Late 18th and the First Quarter of the 19th Centuries in the Little-Investigated Documents of the State Archive of the Odessa Region: Problems of Lost Sources and Recovery of Information, Lilya Bilousova, State Archive of Odessa Region, Odessa, Ukraine
3) The Odessa Port through "Hidden" Materials in the French Archives, Ion Varta, Archival Service of the Republic of Moldova, Moldova
4)The Black Sea Port Cities in the Ukrainian National Historiographical Legacy of the 19th And 20th Centuries, Larisa Yakubova, Institute for History of Ukraine-National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
11.30-12.00 Coffee break
12.00-14.00 Session II- Before and after the formation of the Russian port-cities
Chair: Liliya Bilousova
1) The Greek Community in Southern Crimea Under Ottoman Rule, Oleksandr Halenko, Institute for History of Ukraine-National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
2) Greek Population in the Socio-Economic Structure of the Walled Cities in the Ottoman Northwest Black Sea, end of XVIII - XIX centuries, Olena Bachinska Mechnikov National University, Odessa, Ukraine
3) Mapping Of Hadzhibey (Odessa) before It Joined The Russian Empire, Igor Sapozhnykov, State Archives Of Odessa Region, Odessa, Ukraine
4) Governor-Generals of The South of Ukraine: The Formation and Implementation of Settlement Policy and the Development of The Region (1774 – end Of The 1890s), Valentina Shandra, Institute for History of Ukraine-National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
14.00-15.00- Lunch
15.00-16.30- Session III - Urban Landscape
Chair: Oksana Iurkova
1) The Greeks of Odessa and the Architecture of the City, Vassilis Colonas, School of Architecture University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece
2) The Making of a New Town. The Rise and Fall of Odessa, 18th-20th c., Athina Vitopoulou and Alexandra Yerolympos, School of Architecture and School of Spatial Planning and Development, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
3) Areas of Initial Resettlement of the Greeks of Odessa, Oleg Gubar, historian, Odessa, Ukraine
4) The Image of Odessa among the Greeks in the 1810's. Public Reports and Exchanges, Nassia Yakovaki, Department of Political Science and Public Administration of the University of Athens, Athens, Greece
16.30-17.00 Coffee break
17.00- 19.00 Session IV - Society, Economic Development and Culture
Chair: Oleksandr Halenko
1) Social Network Theory as an Explanatory Tool for the Development of ‘Port-Cities’. A Discussion Focusing on Nezhin, Ioannis Carras, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece
2) The Making of a Book: Writing on the Particularity of Odessa as an Imperial City, Evrydiki Sifneos, Institute for Historical Studies, The National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, Greece
3) Greek Merchants in the Economic and Cultural Life of Berdyansk of the XIX - Early XX Centuries, Igor Lyman, Department of History of Ukraine, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Berdyansk, Ukraine
4) Nuptiality in Port-Cities: on the Material of the Greek Community of Odessa, 1800-1920, Sofronis Paradeisopoulos, Hellenic Foundation for Culture – Odessa Branch, Ukraine
Tuesday 24/9
09:00-11:00 Session V - Economy And Infrastructure
Chair: Gelina Harlaftis
1) Studying the Economic Development of the Russian Black Sea in the Long 19th century: The Example of Odessa, Socrates Petmezas, George Kostelenos and Alexandra Papadopoulou, Department of History and Archaeology, University of Crete/Department of History, Ionian University, Rethymnon/Corfu, Greece
2) Statistical data on the commercial rivalry between Odessa and the Danubian ports (1829-1853), Constantin Ardeleanu, "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Galati, Romania
3) The Transportation Network of the Northern Black Sea Coast within the Framework of the Black Sea Trade in the 18th and 19th Centuries, Alexander Romantsov, Institute for History of Ukraine-National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
4) Bills of Exchange Operations of the Odessa Branch of the State Bank at the End of the 19th century, Vladimir Morozan, St. Petersburgh State University, St. Petersburgh, Russia
11:00-11.30 Coffee break
11.30-13.30 Session VI - Economy. The Grain Trade
Chair: Socrates Petmezas
1) Institutional Change and Economic Nationalism: The Regulation of Varna’s Grain Market (1840’s – early 20th Centuries), Andreas Lyberatos, Institute For Mediterranean Studies/FORTH, University of Crete, Rethymnon, Greece
2) Τhe Port of Theodosia in the Crimea and its Linkages as a Grain Export Gateway with the Mediterannean and West European Markets (end of 19th-beginning of the 20th Centuries), Anna Sydorenko, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece
3) Grain Trade in Mariupol (second half of the 19th –beginning of the 20th century), Svetlana Novikova and Vera Volonyts, Mariupol State University, Mariupol, Ukraine
4) Black Sea Ports of the Russian Empire in the International Transit Trade in the First Half of the 19th Century, Taras Goncharuk, Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University, Odessa, Ukraine
13.30-15.00 Lunch
15.00-16.30- Session VII - Economy. Merchants
Chair: Sofronis Paradeisopoulos
1) The Participation of Greek Merchants in the Credit/Banking Life of Odessa in the 19th Century, Irina Druzhkova, School of Socio-Economic Sciences, Odessa National Academy of Engineering Refrigeration, Odessa, Ukraine
2) The Contribution of Chios Merchants to the Economic and Social Developmentof the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov Regions, Valery Tomazov, Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
3) Changing Places and Business Strategy: The Scaramanga Family from Regional to World Trade in the 19th c., Maria Christina Chatziioannou, Institute for Historical Research, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, Greece
4) The German Merchant-Industrial Diaspora in the Black Sea Odessa and Nikolaev, 1820-1914, Wolfgang Sartor, historian, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
16.30-17.00 Coffee break
17.00- 19.00 Session VIII - Linkages With Western Europe
Chair: Constantin Ardeleanu
1) French Merchants in the Black Sea Trade Operations of the late 18th – first half of the 19th Centuries, Egor Sidorovich, Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine
2) The Port of Marseilles: A Privileged Observatory of Black Sea Trade in the 19th Century, Apostolos Delis, Institute of Mediterranean Studies, University of Crete, Rethymnon, Greece
3) The Nineteenth-Century Britonian Blue Water Trade Policy Penetrating the Black Sea, Panos Kapetanakis, Greenwich Maritime Institute & National Hellenic Research Foundation, London/Athens, U.K./Greece
4) Odessa-Trieste: The Experience of the Comparative Analysis of the Post-Cosmopolitan Cities, Alexander Prigarin, Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University, Odessa, Ukraine
19.30 - Dinner
Wednesday 25/9
9.00-10.30 Session IX - Port-Cities: Foreigners and Migrants
Chair: Andreas Lyberatos
1)The Legal Status of Foreign Entrepreneurs in Odessa And Ismail (1807-1859), Andrei Emilciuc, Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Moldava
2) Ethnic Processes in Mariupol and Russia's Imperial Migration Policy. (19th – Early 20th Centuries), Irina Ponomariova, Mariupol State University, Mariupol, Ukraine
3) Presentation of Primary Sources Related to the History of Port-Cities of the South of Ukraine (Last Quarter of 18th – Early 20th Centuries), Victoria Konstantinova, Department of History of Ukraine, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Berdyansk, Ukraine
10.30-11.00 Coffee break
11.30-13.30 Session X - Education, Philanthropy and Religion
Chair: Maria-Christina Chatziioannou
1) Documents on the History of Education and Science in the South of the Russian Empire as a Source for the Study of the Social Infrastructure of the Northern Black Sea Coast Port Cities, Sergei Berezin, State Archives of Odessa Region, Odessa, Ukraine
2) Social and Charitable Activities of the Sturdza-Gagarin Dynasty in Odessa, Svitlana Gerasimova, State Archives of Odessa Region, Odessa, Ukraine
3) Between the Golden Fleece and the Onion Domes: Church and Community Among the Greeks of Odessa in the Long 19th Century, Nikos Chrissidis, Southern Connecticut State University, USA
4) On the Issue of the Confiscation of Objects of Worship of the Greek Orthodox Churches in Kerch in the 1920s and 1930s, Natalia Bykovskaya, Kerch Cultural and Historical Preserve, Ukraine
13.00-14.30 Lunch
14.30-16.00 Session XI - Maritime Regions And Transport System
Chair: Iryna Ponomariova
1) Black Sea – Environment, Fisheries and Ports. A System’s Approach, Vasileios Tselentis, University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece
2) Fisheries of the Eastern Coast of the Azov Sea in the Late 18th – 19th cc. – Organization, Infrastructure and Everyday Life, Alexei Kraikovski, Center for Environmental and Technological History-European University of St. Petersburg, Russia
3) Snake Island (Ostriv Zmiinyi) as an Important Communication Center of the Northwestern Black Sea Cost at the end of the 18th – beginning of the 20th Centuries, Elena Shtepko, State Archives of Odessa Region, Odessa, Ukraine
16.00-16.30 Coffee Break
16.30-18.30 Session XII – Shipping
Chair: Vassilis Colonas
1) The Opening of the Nikolaev Trading Port to Foreign Vessels and International Trade, Larysa Levchenko, State Archives of Nikolaev Region, Nikolaev, Ukraine
2) Constructing the databases "Jason" (Merchants, Bankers and Shipowners of the Black Sea), "Argo" (The Fleet of the Black-Sea) and the "Golden Fleece" (Arrivals and Departures from Black Sea Ports) from the 18th to the 20th Centuries, Gelina Harlaftis, Ionian University, Greece
3) Seeking Opportunities to Increase Competitiveness. Greek Shipping Firms in the Black Sea,Ioannis Theotokas, University of the Aegean, Greece
4) Cruising in the Black Sea, 20th -21st Century: Literature Review, Maria Lekakou and Evangelia Stefanidaki, University of the Aegean, Greece
Thursday 26/9
10.00-13.00 - State Archives of Odessa Region
13.00-14.30 - Lunch
14.30-17.00 - Historical Museum of Odessa
Friday 27/9
10.00 - 13.00
Α. Port/shipyards - Guiding tour
Β. Port Historical Archive/Archaeological Museum
14.30- 19.00- Guided Tour of "Greek Odessa"
19.00 - Dinner in the Dacha restaurant in the country house of Marasli
Saturday 28/9